Cassia is a high school youth worker in Nanaimo, BC.
“Lifeteams was the most inspirational, faith shaping year of my entire life. I learned about God’s heart and love for his children and deepened my passion (and skills!) to work with youth. It opened the doors for my dream job to be made a reality! With the skills I acquired during my year, I’m able to step into situations
walking alongside youth with confidence!”

Zach is a psycho-spiritual therapist in Kelowna, BC.
“Lifeteams has changed my life. It has changed me through the classroom, through my placement at Cyrus Centre, through living in the house with my roommates, who I call family now, but most of all it has changed my heart towards people. I get asked a lot what the number one thing I had learned at Lifeteams was. It wasn’t learning how to write an A+ academic paper – it was how to be the hands and feet of Jesus, in my actions, my words, and in my heart. My number one advice for going into Lifeteams is do not miss out! Be like tofu and soak up all the flavours that Lifeteams has to offer.”

Amanda works in a youth treatment centre in Alberta.
“A bunch of years ago I took off to BC for a few months – and haven’t ever been the same since. This place and these people helped dramatically and radically change my life. I can’t sum up the amazing blessing Lifeteams has been in my life or how thankful I am to have found some of my closest friends at this beautiful place. Not only does Lifeteams train and equip youth workers to impact our cities, they help young adults deepen their relationship with Jesus and build a solid foundation on God. “

Dixie works with Winnipeg YFC's youth employment training program.
“God used Lifeteams to smooth out the edges of my character and teach me how to find my value in the fact that He made me and so I am His. I learned how to give all my work to the Lord so I could step into this role of leading the camp with wholeness and a strong ability to encourage others. Lifeteams still holds so much value in my life with my mentors and fellow students building into me and praying for me. I constantly use the tools Lifeteams taught me and am still unpacking and learning from the things I experienced in my year there.”

Ashley serves with Steinbach (Manitoba) Youth for Christ as the Backstage Drop-in Director.
“Lifeteams is one of the only places I know of that combines skills for working with youth who don’t know Jesus and solid Biblical teaching. During my year at Lifeteams I received practical hands-on training that allowed me to learn – and sometimes fail – in real youth work, but in a safe environment. I learned about assessing the risks, the importance of debriefing after an event, and how to love youth simply because Jesus loves them. I can feel confident in my role at the drop-in because of everything I experienced through Lifeteams.”

August is a physician in Northern Ontario.
“Lifeteams helped shape in me a better sense about who God is and who he made me to be. Learning about how to listen to people and care for them was a skill we developed in the program that has helped equip me as I learn how to help people as a physician.”

Dakota continues to passionately impact teens through camp ministry.
“Lifeteams was one of the greatest years of my life. I learned so much about living well in community as well as about myself. I was challenged by those I lived with and was shaped by the Holy Spirit in many different ways. Lifeteams was a great journey for me and I would not change a thing about my experience.”

Jason continues to impact his world by loving his neighbours and investing in his community.
“Lifeteams provided me with a foundation of training that enabled me to do ministry well. I learned a high standard for what it meant to be a youth worker. Without Lifeteams, I would not be able to do my job. The practical lessons of how to share the gospel, how to respond to crisis, and how to work collaboratively within the community are skills that I use week after week. Lifeteams refined my skills and character. I am a better man because of Lifeteams, and that too greatly impacts my ministry and life as whole. I’m thankful for how Lifeteams not only teaches great skills, but simultaneously invests in the student’s character .”

Rachel is a loving mom to two lovely little people.
“Lifeteams taught me what it looks like to be the same person everywhere I go. Whether I’m hanging out with youth, meeting with my mentor, doing homework or just being goofy – I’ve learned to know and be myself and to honour God in everything. Our teachers modelled this very well and a good chunk of what I took away from Lifeteams was just from watching how our teachers lived their lives. Lifeteams helped shape the person I am today. And I like this person!”

Sarah works to help educate staff teams with a focus on reconciliation.
“The greatest impact that Lifeteams had on me was showing me how to meet with Jesus in ways that I never have before, and giving me the desire and the tools to bring others into his life-giving presence.”

Charlotte works with teen moms through Youth Unlimited Vancouver.
“One of the best things I could have invested my time and year into. It stretched me beyond what I thought I could do and I learnt amazing new ways to live a life honouring God. Through my time at Lifeteams I captured a new understanding of who I am and who God made me to be and learnt how to live that fully in my daily life. What more could I have asked for? An amazing community, great teaching, great adventure and a place to live honestly and truly – in my good and my bad – being accepted and loved.”

Naomi continues to impact children and teens through rec programming on Vancouver Island.
“I just know that it was the best year of my life. I loved the people, the teachers, the experiences, the living situation, the memories, the hard times and the good times. I know that I’ve never had a group that has been more there for me than Lifeteams, both during my time as a student and since, that really wanted to know what I was actually about.
I learned to speak what’s on my heart, to be more bold. To not be afraid to try new things. To get strength from others. To be real about God and not always act like everything is perfect . I learned to be myself.”

Zeek continues to invest in teens through church youth ministry.
“Lifeteams is an environment that is contagious for growth. You cannot do this program without having your life changed. When I look back at my time at Lifeteams there are a few words that really stand out for me: community, adventure, love, and new beginnings. This year helped me to understand what it truly means to be a part of a Christian community. God did some pretty amazing things during my year at Lifeteams and I am so stoked for what He has planned for the future of this program. ”

Amy works as a social worker in Abbotsford, BC.
“When I got accepted into Lifeteams I didn't realize that I was entering a community that would stretch far beyond the year itself. The mentors and friends that I had in Lifeteams are still in my life to this day. At Lifeteams I learned so much about practical, hands-on youth work, but at the core of it all, I got to learn about what it looked like to have Jesus be at the center of every part of my life. I am so thankful that I did Lifeteams - I would not be where I am today without it.”

Tanner is working and living, being intentional with his faith, and trusting God even when he doesn't understand his ways.
“During Lifeteams, I learned how to share my faith and myself with people who were completely different from. It’s helped me to reach out to others in more ways than I could have thought! I’d recommend this program to those looking to go deeper in their relationship with God, and who are passionate about sharing Jesus with those around them.”

Alvina works with youth with Youth Unlimited in Abbotsford, BC.
"Prior to Lifeteams I was longed and hungered for so much more in my relationship with Jesus. I remember at the beginning of my year being asked, "What's something that you want in your relationship with Jesus?" My response was "to become a friend of God and to experience intimacy with Him". I became a real friend of Jesus during my year at Lifeteams. I look back at my year with fondness, saying "that was only the beginning". That was only the beginning of a beautiful, rich relationship and a lifelong endeavour. What is it that you want to experience in relationship with Jesus?"

Denisa works in a restorative youth justice program in Abbotsford, BC.
“When I got accepted into Lifeteams, it was at a time in my life where I needed to move on from Bible School. I was losing sight of who God was, and needed to find him again, and experience Him again. My year at lifeteams was far more than I could have imagined. To sum up my year in a few words: I fell in love with Jesus all over again. I was able to experience his love and find my identity in him because of the community I was surrounded by. I was taught to look for ways God was in my day, and to take a leap of faith into the uncomfortable. Lifeteams taught me how to be a good leader and a good Christian youth worker. But most of all, it taught me how to deeply love Jesus and allow his love to change the way I live my life.”
If this stuff resonates with you – apply. If you feel a tap, tug, or push to check us out – apply. If you want to have fun, be challenged, go deeper with God, learn useful skill sets, and be part of a growing community of people taking the plunge to live intentionally – apply. If you know someone who is and wants all these things – encourage them to apply.