Sometimes the best way to explore a decision is to just start moving down a path and see where it takes you. If it feels at all like God is tapping you on the shoulder to start down the path of exploring Lifeteams further, we’d love to hear from you.
We look forward to the possibility of journeying with you for awhile.

The next Lifeteams program begins September 7, 2025 and runs until May 2026.
Because of the intensive mentorship focus, we select only 8-10 students each year.
If you have an interest in finding out more, we’d love to talk. Contact us at lifeteams@youthunlimited.com.

1. Application
Simply fill out the online application or download and return it to us either by e-mail or to the mailing address below. You will need to read through the STATEMENT OF FAITH prior to filling out the application.
2. Reference
Choose a reference from each of the following categories who has known you for at least one year and is not a family member:
Someone who has been in direct leadership over you such as a boss, supervisor, or teacher
A friend
An adult who could speak of your spiritual journey
Please ask these three people to fill out the online reference form or they can download and return it to us either by e-mail or to the mailing address below.
Lifeteams, 4055 Lakemount Rd., Abbotsford, BC, V3G 2J1
For more information, call program director, Rob Snair at 604.825.1946 ,
or email us at lifeteams@youthunlimited.com.

After going through the application process (above) and being accepted into the program, the following information may be helpful for International Students in applying for a Canadian Student Visa:
1. This webpage gives you a good idea of what needs to be done to apply for a study permit in Canada.
2. You can apply for a Study Permit at the point of entry into Canada, but we would recommend that it be done before hand with the online application to ensure you will not be disappointed. You will need a valid passport and banking info to prove you have funds to support yourself while in the country when you apply.
3. You will also need an actual letter of acceptance from us, not a copy or fax. We will get that to you A.S.A.P. after you have been through the application process and been accepted into the program.
4. If you could plan to come a day early it would give you time to recover a bit from jet lag before the others arrive. We would be happy to pick you up at the Vancouver airport (international flights) or the Abbotsford airport (domestic) and provide you with a place to crash for the night. Let us know if you’re needing this service once you have your flights confirmed.